Nanotechnologies and AI for precision oenology

The “VIOLoC” project has been launched, it aims to optimize wine production processes by exploiting micro and nano-technologies and artificial intelligence, thanks to UniPisa, UniTuscia and Cnr Nano

RAITH Micrograph Award 2021

Congratulations to Sedighe Salimian and Isha Verma for their honorable mentions at the RAITH Micrograph Award 2021 – Special Edition, one of the most important award in the world on e-beam lithography.

Hyperbolic Metamaterials on the cover

Cnr Nano researchers explored a large class of layered materials with highly anisotropic optical activity, and identified a number that may foster previously unexplored optical/mechanical applications.

Diradicals evaporation on the cover

It is possible to evaporate diradicals in a controlled environment without degradation! Arrigo Calzolari latest reserach article published on the cover of Chemistry of materials journal.

Lock keeping for spins

Demonstrated a new route for semiconductor spintronics that can filter single electrons according to their spins in quantum electronic devices. The research results are published on Communication Physics.

Cnr Nano’s team realizes the first phase battery for quantum technologies

A classical battery converts chemical energy into a voltage bias that can power electronic circuits. Similarly, a phase battery is a quantum device that provides a persistent phase bias to the wave function of a quantum circuit. This key element for quantum technologies based on phase coherence as been demonstrated by Francesco Giazotto’s groupand published in Nature Nanotechnology.

Great success for G M. Ratto’s online lessons

Thanks to the Scuola Normale Superiore initiative more than 1300 high-school students had the chance to follow Gian Michele Ratto’s free video lessons on brain functioning and of the advanced techniques to study it.