New metamaterial to control mechanical waves

Nano-fabricated gallium arsenide manifests a new refraction property: the ability to asymmetrically refract high-frequency acoustic waves depending on the coming side of the pulses. Results are published in Nature Communications.

Dysprosium atoms as readable/writeable magnetic bits

Single atoms of the rare-earth element dysprosium were found suitable to host magnetic bits when supported by strontium titanate crystals. The observations suggest new methods to read/write the magnetic information.

New type of thermoelectricity from superconductors

Cnr Nano researchers report the experimental observation of an astounding
bipolar thermoelectric effect between two different superconductors subject to nonlinear thermal gradients. Results are published in Nature Nanotechnology.

Ultra-light aerogels derived from egg white

Egg-white proteins can be transformed into ultralightweight hierarchical carbon aerogels for highly efficient water purification – capturing 99.99% of nano/microplastic contamination from seawater. The result of an international collaboration, which includes Cnr Nano, published on Materials Today.

A coin-sized device to detect measles virus in saliva

The new lab-on-a-chip is based on surface-acoustic-wave technology and is capable of detecting measles virions in human saliva. Results, published in Advanced Functional MaterialsIt, may enable early “point-of-care” diagnostic applications.

The new Cnr Nano Activity Report is out!

The latest Activity Report of Istituto Nanoscienze presents our most exciting achievements for the years 2020-2021. Read on and discover 164 pages of frontier research, active collaborations, and outreach activities!

Ilaria Tonazzini (left) Laura Baroncelli (right)

Improving the therapeutic pipeline in Angelman syndrome

A new research project led by Ilaria Tonazzini of Cnr-Nano has been funded by the Angelman Syndrome Alliance. It will develop a less invasive method to deliver Angelman syndrome therapy and assess non-invasive imaging methods.

Stimulating curiosity at school

The spring series of seminars held by Cnr Nano researchers to engage students at all levels to the wonders of nanoscience ended successfully.

Molecular motors touch down

A combined STM and DFT study reveals that upon deposition on a metal surface the energetics of motor molecules conformations are modified. Results are published and pictured on the cover of The Journal of Physical Chemistry C.

Touch on a Chip: a new PRIN project kicks off

The research project led by SISSA in collaboration with Cnr Iom, Cnr Nano and University of Firenze will investigate touch in physiological conditions through the development of a new stimulation device. The kick-off meeting took place last week.

The first superconducting spintronic tunnel diode

A research collaboration led by Cnr Nano scientists demonstrated how a heterostructure consisting of superconductors and a thin ferromagnetic insulator can be used to create uni-directional current.

A thermal superconducting quantum transistor

Cnr Nano researchers demonstrate the practical possibility of phase coherent manipulation of energy transport in quantum devices opening the way to the development of thermal counterpart of electronic devices.