Nano Colloquia 2023 – the second semester series is out!

The Nano Colloquia seminars feature two talks every month by Cnr Nano researchers presenting latest research achievements and discussing new perspectives within our community. Be ready to explore the institute’s most advanced research.

Cnr Nano unveils first homegrown quantum cascade laser

Leveraging cutting-edge equipment and their specialized expertise, Cnr Nano researchers have successfully unveiled their inaugural domestically-produced quantum cascade laser. This achievement places them at the forefront of laser innovation, showcasing notable technological edge.

Stepping up with Josephson junctions

Cnr Nano researchers observed half-integer Shapiro steps in highly transmissive InSb nanoflag Josephson junctions. This intriguing finding suggests the presence of new and unexplored phenomena within such devices.

Towards an ultrashort-pulse laser in the Terahertz domain

CnrNano scientists engineered a quantum cascade laser that emits ultra-short pulses of far infrared radiation generated through the so-called passive mode-locking. Such lasers could probe ultrafast dynamics and phenomena across the physical, chemical and biological sciences.

Extending Density-Functionals to excited states

A successful strategy for modeling ground states of many-electron systems has now been extended to excited states. The study by Griffith University, Vrije Universiteit and Cnr Nano is featured as Physical Review Letters Editor’s suggestion.

Lindsay Bassman awarded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

American researcher Lindsay Bassman, currently working at Cnr Nano, received the Science, She Says! Award for her contribution to improving scientific knowledge and collaboration with Italy. At Cnr Nano she is carring out research into quantum thermodynamics using quantum algorithms with Michele Campisi.

MaX develops advanced simulation software for powerful supercomputers

European research centres and companies leading the development of HPC re-join forces in the third phase of the MaX European Centre of Excellence, funded by the EU and coordinated by Cnr Nano, to drive the evolution of materials design towards a new era of extremely increased computation power. This will open new opportunities for designing materials for applications in crucial fields, such as clean energy, new IT technologies, and manufacturing as a whole.

Celebrating #womenatNano

Cnr Nano joins the social media campaign on the occasione of the Int’l Day of Women & Girls in Science, introducing a one of its talented female researcher every week for a whole year. Because every day should be #womenscienceday!

Vincenzo Grillo receives prestigious Ernst Ruska Prize 2023

The Society for Electron Microscopy presents the prestigious Ernst Ruska Prize to Vincenzo Grillo, in recognition of “his outstanding scientific achievements related to electron microscopy”. The prize will be presented at the MC2023 Microscopy Conference, on March 1, 2023.

Nano Colloquia 2023 – the first semester series is out!

The Nano Colloquia seminars feature two talks every month by Cnr Nano researchers presenting latest research achievements and discussing new perspectives within our community. A deep dive into the institute’s most advanced research.

digital illustration of two entangled electron with opposite spins

Spin correlation between paired electrons demonstrated

Physicists at the University of Basel in collaboration with Cnr Nano have experimentally demonstrated for the first time a negative correlation between the spins of an entangled pair of electrons from a superconductor. Researchers used spin filters made of nanomagnets and a semiconductor nanowire, as they report in the journal Nature.

Shedding light on pH-sensitive photoluminescence

Cnr Nano researchers explain the experimentally observed, yet elusive, pH-responsive fluorescence of peptide-functionalized gold nanoparticles that can be used in biomedical applications. Results are published in ACS Nano.