In this new series of seminars Cnr Nano researchers, in particular the young ones, will share with the colleagues the results and the achievements of the work performed, they will discuss new perspectives and define future aims.
13 seminars and 13 researchers are scheduled from January to June. The Nano Colloquia seminar series have been set up with the objectives to invite young researchers to present their ongoing research, to expose the institute community, as well as the PhD and Post-Doc students, to current research being done at Cnr Nano and to enhance exchange of ideas and networking within our research community.
The complete list of the Nano Colloquia 2022 – First Semester is available here. An updated program is available in the section Seminars of this website.
The previous series, held in second semester of 2021, was very successful: overall it produced 8 hours of online seminars, with 8 speakers and 4 principal investigators involved, and an audience of 308 total participants. The slides of all the 2021 seminars are now available in the individual seminar pages, in the section Seminars of this website.