Solid-state quantum technology
Research in solid-state quantum technology focuses on the fabrication, investigation, and implementation of novel nanodevices both for fundamental science and for new applications. Joint experimental and theoretical activity is devoted to the study of quantum systems and phenomena, and aims at developing novel concepts and ideas, with potential impact on future applications. Advanced fabrication techniques and low-temperature magneto-transport measurements are developed along four main research lines, as described below.
Topologically protected quantum technology: The study of topological states of matter, systems that are intrinsically robust to external perturbations, is of great interest for new quantum computing architectures. Hybrid superconductor/semiconductor devices with strong-spin-orbit coupling represent an ideal platform to inspect this new physics. Systems based on Josephson junctions, quantum Hall setups, topological insulators, InAs nanowires, and investigated by means of low-temperature investigated by means of low-temperature quantum transport experiments.
Charge and thermal transport at the nanoscale: Precise control of charge and heat transport at the nanoscale is at the heart of new technological advances. High-quality semiconducting nanowires and quantum dots are currently investigated, showing outstanding thermoelectric performance with high figure of merit. Tailoring of energy flow and heat flux is also achieved in hybrid systems with superconducting elements, with possible applications as thermal routers, heat converters, and nanorefrigerators. Unexpected gating effects have been recently reported on fully metallic superconducting systems, rising several open issues both from a fundamental point of view and for potential applications in superconducting qubits manipulation.
Superconducting spintronics: One of the promising perspectives of spintronics is the possibility to control spin and charge at the nanometer scale, both at classical and quantum (qubit) level. Recent advances allowed combining ferromagnetic insulators with superconductors, enabling control of spin polarization with high precision and possible applications in quantum sensing, like magnetometers and spin valves. Moreover, molecular spin systems can be engineered and coherently manipulated with unprecedented precision in combination with microwave planar resonators made of high-temperature superconductors.
Quantum metrology and simulation: Quantum features of nanosystems are exploited to achieve high-precision measurements and to set new metrological standards. Present work focuses on the development of novel quantum Hall resistance standards. Other activities concern quantum magnetometry based on the use of thermal states of single and collective spins. Precise manipulation of electrons in nanostructured environment and their interactions with optical beams offers innovative perspectives to simulate complex systems in a controlled fashion.
See also: Quantum@Nano.
To learn more on specific topics of Solid-state quantum technology at Cnr Nano, please contact the Principal Investigators listed below. For general info, please contact Fabio Taddei,