Lucia Sorba

Short Bio

2010-2024 Director, Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR, Pisa

2009-2010 Director, NEST-INFM, Pisa.

2006- 2009 Associate Professor, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa.

1999-2006 Associate Professor, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia.

1998-1999 Visiting scientist, Walter Schottky Institut, Technische Universität Munich

1988-1999 Researcher, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (TASC-INFM, Trieste; IAC, ICMAT Roma).

1984-1986 Postdoctoral fellow at the Fritz Haber Institut of the Max Planck Gesellschaft, Berlin.

1983-1984 Research Associate, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Roma

1983 Laurea summa cum laude in Fisica, Università "La Sapienza"di Roma.


Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt foundation (1998-1999).

Fellow of the European Physical Society (2021)

Scientific advisory and evaluation committees:

Member of the HFML-FELIX Scientific Advisory Committee (2021)

Member of the Council Expert of the Foundation of Polish Science (2020-2021)

EU-FET advisory board (2014-2016)

Advisory board of the FET project EFFECT (2017-2018)

Bilateral committee, Scuola Normale Superiore – CNR

Selection committee of the NEST prize (2009-2021)

Management committee of COST Action “European Network for Innovative and Advanced Epitaxy (2021)

MIUR selection committee of national Projects PRIN (2017)

Evaluation Committee, IMM Institute of University of Nijemegen NL(2015)

MIUR selection committee of national Projects PRIN (2012)

Italian DC Member of EU-COST (2010-2014)

Executive board of the NEST INFM Laboratory, Pisa. (2001-2009)

Research proposal review committee of the Swedish Research Council (2004-2005-2006).

Research Interests

My main research interest is in the field of experimental semiconductor physics and materials science.
The current research lines include:

  • Synthesis of quantum materials by molecular beam epitaxy and chemical beam epitaxy.
  • Structural and morphological characterization of low dimensional semiconductor systems.
  • Quantum transport in hybrid low dimensional systems.

Selected Recent Projects

AndQC “Andreev qubits for scalable quantum computation”
Supertop “Topologically protected states in double nanowire superconductor hybrids”

Selected Publications

  1. I. Verma, S. Salimian, V. Zannier, S. Heun, F. Rossi, D. Ercolani, F. Beltram, and L. Sorba, High-Mobility Free-Standing InSb Nanoflags Grown on InP Nanowire Stems for Quantum Devices, ACS Appl Nano Mater (4), 5825-5833 (2021) 1021/acsanm.1c00734
  2. E. Strambini, A. Iorio, O. Durante, R. Citro, C. Sanz-Fernández, C. Guarcello, I.V. Tokatly, A. Braggio, M. Rocci, N. Ligato, V. Zannier, L. Sorba,F.S. Bergeret, and F. Giazotto, A Josephson phase battery, Nat Nanotechnol (15), 656-660 (2020) 1038/s41565-020-0712-7
  3. M. Rocci, G. De Simoni, F. Giazotto, C. Puglia, D.D. Esposti, E. Strambini, V. Zannier, and L. Sorba, Gate-controlled suspended titanium nanobridge supercurrent transistor, ACS Nano (14), 12621-12628 (2020) 1021/acsnano.0c05355
  4. Z. Sadre Momtaz, S. Servino, V. Demontis, V. Zannier, D. Ercolani, F. Rossi, F. Rossella, L. Sorba, F. Beltram, and S. Roddaro, Orbital Tuning of Tunnel Coupling in InAs/InP Nanowire Quantum Dots, Nano Lett (20), 1693-1699 (2020) 1021/acs.nanolett.9b04850
  5. S. Salimian, O. Arif, V. Zannier, D. Ercolani, F. Rossi, Z.S. Momta, F. Beltram, S. Roddaro, F. Rossella, and L.  Sorba, Electrical probing of carrier separation in InAs/InP/GaAsSb core-dualshell nanowires, Nano Res (13), 1065-1070 (2020) 10.1007/s12274-020-2745-5
  6. O. Arif, V. Zannier, A. Li, F. Rossi, D. Ercolani, F. Beltram, and L. Sorba, Growth and Strain Relaxation Mechanisms of InAs/InP/GaAsSb Core-Dual-Shell Nanowires, Cryst Growth Des (20), 1088-1096 (2020), 1021/acs.cgd.9b01421
  1. Lieb, V. Demontis, D. Ercolani, V. Zannier, L. Sorba, S. Ono, F. Beltram, B. Sacèpè, and F. Rossella, Ionic-Liquid Gating of InAs Nanowire-Based Field-Effect TransistorsAdv Funct Mater (29), 1804378 (2019) 10.1002/adfm.201804378
  2. D. Prete, P.A. Erdman, V. Demontis, V. Zannier, D. Ercolani, L. Sorba, F. Beltram, F. Rossella, F. Taddei, and S. Roddaro, Thermoelectric Conversion at 30 K in InAs/InP Nanowire Quantum Dots, Nano Lett (19), 3033-3039 (2019) 1021/acs.nanolett.9b00276
  3. V. Zannier, F. Rossi, D. Ercolani, and L. Sorba, Growth dynamics of InAs/InP nanowire heterostructures by Au-assisted chemical beam epitaxy,  Nanotechnology (30), 94003 (2019)
  4. V. Zannier, F. Rossi, V.G. Dubrovskii, D. Ercolani, S. Battiato, and L. Sorba, Nanoparticle Stability in Axial InAs-InP Nanowire Heterostructures with Atomically Sharp Interfaces, Nano Lett (18), 167-174 (2018) 1021/acs.nanolett.7b03742