The S3 workshop archives


On June 8-9, 2023, the Modena unit of Cnr Nano, known as the S3 Center, hosted a two-day workshop, bringing together its community, stakeholders, and numerous colleagues and friends to celebrate two decades of remarkable scientific accomplishments.


The two days of joyful gathering not only offered the opportunity to reflect on the progress made over the years, discuss ongoing research challenges, and explore future prospects. However, the true highlight was the reunion of friends, colleagues, and former colleagues whose professional paths have intersected with the S3 Center.


In this section we have collected the video of the event, slides of the scientific talks that were given on the two days, and photos; so that you can recall and relive the atmosphere, or get a first-time peek at what the two-day celebration was all about.



The pictures

S3-Workshop – Photo gallery




S3 friends

The program was organized in 2 days with different types of speeches and purposes: the first day dedicated to the recovery of the collective memory of these 20 years of activities through the intervention of the Directors, local authorities, and alumni and former colleagues with their testimonies.

Some friends and alumni retraced their journey to and with S3, sharing memories and telling how the S3 centre has grown over the years and the impact it has had on each person’s professional and personal journey. It was an exciting, fun and enriching time that allowed people present to share memories and skills learned, and introduce those who were not there yet to S3.

Some of these presentations have been collected in this section.

Andrea Candini, Paolo Facci, Eleonora Luppi, Vittorio Pellegrini, Silvia Picozzi, Ruggero Vaglio



The talks

The second day was more focused on the future and on exploring active lines of research at the S3 Center through talks by researchers leading working groups within the center.
These talks, presented by one or two speakers, aimed to showcase the activities of the entire working groups that were involved in shaping the presentations and are intended to foster the development of new scientific collaborations.

This section collects presentations of talks where S3 researchers shared their research and results related to it.

Click on the speaker names to find the presentations.


At the following link you can find the videos of the researchers’ presentations.

S3-Workshop video recordings


S3 over the years

At the following link you can watch the video with the pictures that marked the S3 history: watch the video.