Elisa Molinari

Short Bio

2001-now: Full Professor of Condensed Matter Physics, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Department of Physics, Informatics and Mathematics)
2015-now: Director, MaX European Centre of Excellence on 'Materials design at the exascale', www.max-centre.eu
2010 - now Research associate, CNR Nano (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto Nanoscienze)
2007-09: Director, Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia, INFM-CNR (comprising 21 leading Research Centers in Italy)
2001-18: Founding Director, S3 Centre of INFM in Modena (now part of CNR-Nano)
1992-01: Associate Professor, University of Modena
1985-92: CNR research staff member, Istituto Corbino, Roma
1983-85: Post-doctoral scientist, Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart / Grenoble
1981-83: Post-lauream fellow (supported by an industry) at the University of Modena
1981: Laurea cum laude in Physics, University of Modena



2015- now: Director, MaX European Center of Excellence in Materials Modelling, Simulation and Design (www.max-centre.eu, coordinated by CNR-NANO and supported by through 3 EU / EuroHPC JU projects 2015-18, 2018-22, 2023-26);
2014-now: European Synchrotron Radiation Facility - ESRF, Grenoble: Council Member, Head of Italian Delegation;
2023-now: CNR – Dipartimento Scienze Fisiche e Tecnologie della Materia (DSFTM): Consiglio Scientifico (2023-oggi);
2023-now: Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia, Barcelona: International Advisory Board;
2024-now: Swedish e-Science Research Center – SeRC: International Advisory Group;
2024-now: IIT – Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia – Comitato Tecnico Scientifico;
2015-now: Associazione Big Data – Board of directors;
2015-2023: Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max-Planck Gesellschaft, Berlin: Scientific Board;
2016-2023: Max-Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg: Scientific Board;
2018-now: JARA Center for Simulation & Data Science, Jülich-Aachen Research Alliance: Advisory Board;
2017-now: Executive board, Associazione Donne e Scienza, Italy;
2010-2016: Scientific Board of CINECA, the Italian HPC Center;
2011-2014: Chair, Steering Board of Emilia-Romagna Region High Technology Network;
2007-2014: OECD Working Party on Nanotechnology;
2007-13: EU FP7 Program Committee on Nano-, Materials, Production Systems(NMP);
2009-11: ERC AdG Evaluation Panel;
1990-2008: Editorial Board of Solid State Communications.


Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS), member of Italian and European Physical Societies.

Research Interests

Her main research interests are in theoretical and computational condensed matter science. She has been particularly active in the theory of fundamental properties of low-dimensional structures –especially few-electron and electron-phonon interactions, excitations and dynamics—, in the simulation of advanced nano-bio systems and devices, and in the advancement of related computational methods. She has a continuing interest also in scientific imaging and communication. Coordinator of several European and international projects in these fields.


Invited speaker in >200 Internatl. Conferences and Workshops. Among these e.g. the Annual Meeting of the American Chemical Society, the Internat. Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, the March Meeting of the Condensed Matter Division of the American Physical Society, the Annual Meeting of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, the March Meeting of the Condensed Matter Division of the German Physical Society, the Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society, the European Conference on Surface Science. Chair of numerous international workshops/conferences/schools, and member of Program/Advisory Committees of the main conferences in her research field.


Over 280 papers in leading international journals. Over 11500 citazions (h-index 57, Scopus, june 2024).


For full publication list see ORCID ID 0000-0002-0692-6096; Web of Science ResearcherID: Q-9199-2019.

Selected Recent Projects

MaX: Materials Design at the eXascale - European Centre of Excellence (Eu-H2020, 2018-2021) Director www.max-centre.eu
EXC-INS: Excitonic insulator in two-dimensional long-range interacting systems - (Prin Project of Relevant National Interest, 2018-2022) - Coordinator
BIG-MAP: Novel methodologies for autonomous discovery of advanced battery chemistries (Eu-H2020) - co-PI Modena https://www.big-map.eu
IQBITS: Integrated Qubits Towards Future High-Temperature Silicon Quantum Computing Hardware Technologies (EU-H2020, Fet-Open, 2019-2022) - co-PI Modena https://www.iqubits.eu
MUSIQ: Multiphoton Microscopy and Ultrafast Spectroscopy: Imaging meets Quantum (Eu-H2020, Msca-Itn, 2018-2022) - co-PI Modena https://www.musiq-etn.eu

Selected Publications