The Regional School Office of Tuscany and the Istituto Nanoscienze in Pisa on the occasion of the “International Day of Women and Girls in Science” 2022, established by the UN in 2015, organize “Professione scienziata”, an event for the promotion of scientific culture dedicated to lower secondary school students and teachers. The event will be held on March 10th from 9.00 to 12.00, in the Aula Magna of the I.I.S. Galilei-Pacinotti of Pisa, will attend a first class of the Liceo Classico and a second class of the I.C. Fucini of Pisa.
The event will be led by women researchers from the CNR Institute, who will tell students about their personal and working experience in the field of scientific research and will answer their questions. The aim of the initiative is to bring female students and students in general in close contact with the world of scientific research and its methods, to promote interest in STEM disciplines and technical-scientific careers and to break gender stereotypes.
After the greetings from our director Lucia Sorba and the manager of the Regional School Office, four female scientists will take the stage: Raffaella Schneider researcher at Università La Sapienza, Francesca D’Elia – PhD student at CnrNano and Scuola Normale Superiore, Valentina Tozzini – Cnr Nano researcher, and Ilaria Tonazzini – Cnr Nano researcher.
Each researcher will introduce herself in a short biography, telling to how the choice to study science was born, what was the relationship with STEM in the school years, an what professions can be carried out with their CV (beyond the research activity).
Interested classes will be able to participate in the initiative online and will be able to interact with the speakers by asking their questions in chat.
Link to the event (in Italian):