Stimulating curiosity at school
The spring series of seminars held by Cnr Nano researchers to engage students at all levels to the wonders of nanoscience ended successfully.
Our researchers enthusiastically conducted a series of seminars in school with the aim of inspiring young students to learn more about science in general and about the advances made possible by the amazing science and technology at the nanoscale. The event has been possible thanks to a collaboration agreement with the Regional School Office of Tuscany for the promotion and development of scientific culture in schools. In 30 days from May 1st to June 1st, our researchers held 11 seminars in primary and secondary schools in Pisa and in  other cities of Toscana region, involving a total of over 20 classes, i.e. about 400 students. Antonella Battisti, Sara Carpi, Francesca D’Elia, Ilaria Tonazzini, Valentina Tozzini and Stefano Veronesi from Cnr Nano Pisa held stimulating presentations suited to the diverse school levels. Topics such as "DNA extraction" or "natural and artificial materials" were dedicated to to the youngest minds, to stimulate curiosity and allow to introduce some basic concepts behind the science of very small. While seminars for high school students have illustrated some of the research activities going on at Cnr Nano and their impact in our everyday life, such as 3D printing with smart materials, the power of computer simulations, the challenges of a future mobility based on hydrogen.  The seminars were managed by the Ufficio Scolastico regionale (Regional School Office).

Our researchers enthusiastically conducted a series of seminars in school with the aim of inspiring young students to learn more about science in general and about the advances made possible by the amazing science and technology at the nanoscale. The event has been possible thanks to a collaboration agreement with the Regional School Office of Tuscany for the promotion and development of scientific culture in schools.


In 30 days from May 1st to June 1st, our researchers held 11 seminars in primary and secondary schools in Pisa and in  other cities of Toscana region, involving a total of over 20 classes, i.e. about 400 students. Antonella Battisti, Sara Carpi, Francesca D’Elia, Ilaria Tonazzini, Valentina Tozzini and Stefano Veronesi from Cnr Nano Pisa held stimulating presentations suited to the diverse school levels. Topics such as “DNA extraction” or “natural and artificial materials” were dedicated to to the youngest minds, to stimulate curiosity and allow to introduce some basic concepts behind the science of very small. While seminars for high school students have illustrated some of the research activities going on at Cnr Nano and their impact in our everyday life, such as 3D printing with smart materials, the power of computer simulations, the challenges of a future mobility based on hydrogen. 

The seminars were managed by the Ufficio Scolastico regionale (Regional School Office).

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