We are pleased to announce the new series of the Nano Colloquia 2022 – Second Semester!
Every semester the Istituto nanoscienze holds a Colloquia series where Cnr Nano scientists and affiliated scholars share the results and the achievements of the work performed with all members of the institute’s community. These colloquia series are aimed to increase interaction between research groups as well as expose doctoral students to the institute’s broad range of research activities. In addition these seminars intend to facilitate exchange of ideas, discussion of new perspectives and future research aims. (Slides and recorded video of the seminars will also be available – published shortly after the event is held).
The updated info of each seminar will be available on this website in Seminars section.
Colloquia are scheduled at 11.00 in Pisa and at 15.00 in Modena.
Online meetings will be held using GoToMeeting. The link will be sent at due time.