Unveiling molecular interactions in cells by using fluorescence microscopy

Cnr Nano
ON-SITE NEST Meeting Room ONLINE https://tinyurl.com/NanoColloquia
Fabio Taddei

The comprehension of molecular cell mechanism resulting in disease and infection are crucial for finding a way to block or inhibit the causes that generate it. It is not an easy task and requires the capability of monitoring the physicochemical status of the proteins in cells. More specifically, these properties can be inferred only by high-resolution / high-sensitivity imaging of proteins of interest, which enable monitoring its specific dynamics and interaction interplay. In my work I set out to address these issues by a toolbox of fluorescence imaging techniques spanning different spatial and temporal scales such as Single Molecule Localization Microscopy, Image Correlation Microscopy and Image Scanning Microscopy. I targeted the visualization of protein properties such as mobility, interactions, and clusterization status.


Seminar realized in the framework of the funded projects:
-Progetto di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale, bando PRIN 2017, Project No. 2017KM79NN
-Eurobioimaging - ISIDORe SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 TNA Call framework "'Nanoscale engagement of Sars-Cov-2 Spike protein in membrane lipid rafts"