Alessandro Paghi

Short Bio

Alessandro Paghi received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. cum laude in Electronic and Information Engineering from the University of Pisa in 2018 and 2022, respectively. Until November 2022, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Information Engineering Department of the University of Pisa. During his academic carrer at the University he was focused on the development nano and micro -structured materials with tunable electrical, optical, and mechanical properties with applications in the fields of energy storage, power electronics, and sensing. Currently, he is a postdoctoral researcher at the Superconducting Quantum Electronics Lab (SQEL) at the Nanoscience Department of the Italian National Research Council (CNR, Pisa) focusing on the engineering of the electrostatic field-effect in all-metallic or metallic-semiconductive-metallic superconducting devices. His main research interests focused on the development of micro and nano -structured materials, devices, and systems for unconventional DC-to-GHz electronics and UV–VIS–NIR photonics.

Research Interests

  • nanomaterials.
  • nanotechnology.
  • electronics.
  • superconductivity.

Selected Recent Projects

Research Engineer of "SuPErConducTing Radio-frequency switch for qUantuM technologies - SPECTRUM (Grant n. 101057977).
Project Leader of "G-Band Antenna", Partnership Huawei.
Research Engineer of "Preparing R2 extension to 300 mm for BCD Smart Power and Power Discrete - R2POWER300" (Grant n. 653933), partnership ST Microelectronics.

Selected Publications

  1. Paghi, M. Corsi, A.A. La Mattina, G. Egri, L. Dähne, G. Barillaro, Wireless and Flexible Optoelectronic System for In-Situ Monitoring of Vaginal pH Using a Bioresorbable Fluorescence Sensor. Advanced Materials Technologies (2023).
  2. Paghi, M. Corsi, S. Corso, S. Mariani, G. Barillaro, In-Situ Controlled and Conformal Coating of Polydimethylsiloxane Foams with Silver Nanoparticle Networks with Tunable Piezo-Resistive Properties. Nanoscale Horizons (2022).
  3. Ye, X. Xu, A. Paghi, T. Bamford, B. R. Horrocks, A. Houlton, G. Barillaro, S. Dimitrov, M. Palma, Solution-Processable Carbon Nanotube Nanohybrids for Multiplexed Photoresponsive Devices. Advanced Functional Materials (2021)
  4. Paghi, L. M. Strambini, F. Toia, M. Sambi, M. Marchesi, R. De Petro, M. Morelli, G. Barillaro, Peripheral Nanostructured Porous Silicon Boosts Static and Dynamic Performance Of Integrated Electronic Device. Advanced Electronic Materials (2020).
  5. M. Strambini*, A. Paghi*, S. Mariani, A. Sood, J. Kalliomäkic, P. Järvinen, F. Toia, M. Scurati, M. Morelli, A. Lamperti, G. Barillaro, Three-dimensional silicon-integrated capacitor with unprecedented areal capacitance for on-chip energy storage. Nano Energy (2019). *: Equal contribution.
