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S3 Publications 2002-2010




found 4469 publications
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  • Photoactive p-Type Spinel CuGa2O4 Nanocrystals; Kendall O., Melendez L.V., Ren J., Ratnayake S.P., Murdoch B.J., Mayes E.L.H., van Embden J., Gómez D.E., Calzolari A., Della Gaspera E.; Nano Letters (23); 2974-2980 (2023) 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c00359

  • Mechanotransduction Impairment in Primary Fibroblast Model of Krabbe Disease; Mezzena R., Del Grosso A., Pellegrino R.M., Alabed H.B.R., Emiliani C., Tonazzini I., Cecchini M.; Biomedicines (11); 927 (2023) 10.3390/biomedicines11030927

  • Physiologic Response Evaluation of Human Foetal Osteoblast Cells within Engineered 3D-Printed Polylactic Acid Scaffolds; Rizzo M.G., Palermo N., Alibrandi P., Sciuto E.L., Del Gaudio C., Filardi V., Fazio B., Caccamo A., Oddo S., Calabrese G., Conoci S.; Biology (12); 424 (2023) 10.3390/biology12030424

  • On the Advent of Super-Resolution Microscopy in the Realm of Polycomb Proteins; Nepita I., Piazza S., Ruglioni M., Cristiani S., Bosurgi E., Salvadori T., Vicidomini G., Diaspro A., Castello M., Cerase A., Bianchini P., Storti B., Bizzarri R.; Biology (12); 374 (2023) 10.3390/biology12030374

  • Lossy Micromaser Battery: Almost Pure States in the Jaynes–Cummings Regime; Shaghaghi V., Singh V., Carrega M., Rosa D., Benenti G.; Entropy (25); 430 (2023) 10.3390/e25030430

  • Quantum heat engine with long-range advantages; Solfanelli A., Giachetti G., Campisi M., Ruffo S., Defenu N.; New Journal of Physics (25); 033030 (2023) 10.1088/1367-2630/acc04e

  • Accelerated epithelial layer healing induced by tactile anisotropy in surface topography; Pramotton F.M., Cousin L., Roy T., Giampietro C., Cecchini M., Masciullo C., Ferrari A., Poulikakos D.; Science advances (9); eadd1581 (2023) 10.1126/sciadv.add1581

  • Theory of multidimensional quantum capacitance and its application to spin and charge discrimination in quantum dot arrays; Secchi A., Troiani F.; Physical Review B (107); 155411 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevB.107.155411

  • The 2023 terahertz science and technology roadmap; Leitenstorfer A., Moskalenko A.S., Kampfrath T., Kono J., Castro-Camus E., Peng K., Qureshi N., Turchinovich D., Tanaka K., Markelz A.G., Havenith M., Hough C., Joyce H.J., Padilla W.J., Zhou B., Kim K.Y., Zhang X.C., Jepsen P.U., Dhillon S., Vitiello M., Linfield E., Davies A.G., Hoffmann M.C., Lewis R., Tonouchi M., Klarskov P., Seifert T.S., Gerasimenko Y.A., Mihailovic D., Huber R., Boland J.L., Mitrofanov O., Dean P., Ellison B.N., Huggard P.G., Rea S.P., Walker C., Leisawitz D.T., Gao J.R., Li C., Chen Q., Valušis G., Wallace V.P., Pickwell-MacPherson E., Shang X., Hesler J., Ridler N., Renaud C.C., Kallfass I., Nagatsuma T., Zeitler J.A., Arnone D., Johnston M.B., Cunningham J.; Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (56); 223001 (2023) 10.1088/1361-6463/acbe4c

  • Xeno-free cultured mesenchymal stromal cells release extracellular vesicles with a "therapeutic" miRNA cargo ameliorating cartilage inflammation in vitro; Palamà M.E.F., Coco S., Shaw G.M., Reverberi D., Ghelardoni M., Ostano P., Chiorino G., Sercia L., Persano L., Gagliani M.C., Cortese K., Pisignano D., Murphy J.M., Gentili C.; Theranostics (13); 1470-1489 (2023) 10.7150/thno.77597

  • Crosslinked Chitosan Nanoparticles with Muco-Adhesive Potential for Intranasal Delivery Applications; Gagliardi M., Chiarugi S., De Cesari C., Di Gregorio G., Diodati A., Baroncelli L., Cecchini M., Tonazzini I.; International journal of molecular sciences (24); (2023) 10.3390/ijms24076590

  • Friction and wear of DLC films deposited on additive manufactured AlSi10Mg: the role of surface finishing; Salerno E., Casotti D., Paolicelli G., Gualtieri E., Ballestrazzi A., Gazzadi G.C., Bolelli G., Lusvarghi L., Valeri S., Rota A.; Surface and Coatings Technology (463); 129531 (2023) 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2023.129531

  • Control of circadian rhythm on cortical excitability and synaptic plasticity; Lodovichi C., Ratto G.M.; Frontiers in neural circuits (17); 1099598 (2023) 10.3389/fncir.2023.1099598

  • Bipolar Thermoelectricity in Bilayer-Graphene-Superconductor Tunnel Junctions; Bernazzani L., Marchegiani G., Giazotto F., Roddaro S., Braggio A.; Physical Review Applied (19); 044017 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.19.044017

  • Microwave-Assisted Thermoelectricity in S - I - S′ Tunnel Junctions; Hijano A., Bergeret F.S., Giazotto F., Braggio A.; Physical Review Applied (19); 044024 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.19.044024

  • Cooperative quantum information erasure; Buffoni L., Campisi M.; Quantum (7); 961 (2023) 10.22331/Q-2023-03-23-961

  • Coherent Quantum Network of Superconducting Qubits as a Highly Sensitive Detector of Microwave Photons for Searching of Galactic Axions; Gatti C., Affronte M., Balanov A., Bonizzoni C., Brida G., Chiariello F., Chikhi N., Coda G., D'Elia A., Gioacchino D.D., Enrico E., Eremin I., Ernajes M., Il'ichev E., Fasolo L., Fistul M., Ghirri A., Greco A., Ligi C., Maccarone G., Meda A., Navez P., Oelsner G., Rajteri M., Rettaroli A., Ruggiero B., Savel'ev S., Silvestrini P., Tocci S., Ustinov A., Vanacore P., Zagoskin A., Lisitskiy M.; IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (2023) 10.1109/TASC.2023.3263807

  • Short pulse generation from a graphene-coupled passively mode-locked terahertz laser; Riccardi E., Pistore V., Kang S., Seitner L., De Vetter A., Jirauschek C., Mangeney J., Li L., Davies A.G., Linfield E.H., Ferrari A.C., Dhillon S.S., Vitiello M.S.; Nature Photonics (2023) 10.1038/s41566-023-01195-z

  • Growth and applications of two-dimensional single crystals; Zhang Z., Forti S., Meng W., Pezzini S., Hu Z., Coletti C., Wang X., Liu K.; 2D Materials (10); 032001 (2023) 10.1088/2053-1583/acc95a

  • Long-range electrostatic contribution to electron-phonon couplings and mobilities of two-dimensional and bulk materials; Poncé S., Royo M., Stengel M., Marzari N., Gibertini M.; Physical Review B (107); 155424 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevB.107.155424

  • Accurate Prediction of Hall Mobilities in Two-Dimensional Materials through Gauge-Covariant Quadrupolar Contributions; Poncé S., Royo M., Gibertini M., Marzari N., Stengel M.; Physical Review Letters (13); 166301 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.166301

  • Generation of Pseudo-Random Quantum States on Actual Quantum Processors; Cenedese G., Bondani M., Rosa D., Benenti G.; Entropy (25); 607 (2023) 10.3390/e25040607

  • Structural and Dynamic Characterization of Li–Ionic Liquid Electrolyte Solutions for Application in Li-Ion Batteries: A Molecular Dynamics Approach; Salvador M.A., Maji R., Rossella F., Degoli E., Ruini A., Magri R.; Batteries (9); 234 (2023) 10.3390/batteries9040234

  • Single-Pixel Imaging in Space and Time with Optically Modulated Free Electrons; Konečná A., Rotunno E., Grillo V., García de Abajo F.J., Vanacore G.M.; ACS Photonics (2023) 10.1021/acsphotonics.3c00047

  • Thermoelectric and Structural Properties of Sputtered AZO Thin Films with Varying Al Doping Ratios; Isram M., Magrin Maffei R., Demontis V., Martini L., Forti S., Coletti C., Bellani V., Mescola A., Paolicelli G., Rota A., Benedetti S., Bona A.d., Ribeiro J.M., Tavares C.J., Rossella F.; Coatings (13); 691 (2023) 10.3390/coatings13040691

  • Quantum correlations in dissipative gain–loss systems across exceptional points; Roccati F., Purkayastha A., Palma G.M., Ciccarello F.; European Physical Journal: Special Topics (2023) 10.1140/epjs/s11734-023-00835-3

  • Benchmarking YOLOv5 and YOLOv7 models with DeepSORT for droplet tracking applications; Durve M., Orsini S., Tiribocchi A., Montessori A., Tucny J.M., Lauricella M., Camposeo A., Pisignano D., Succi S.; The European physical journal. E, Soft matter (46); 32 (2023) 10.1140/epje/s10189-023-00290-x

  • A highly sensitive broadband superconducting thermoelectric single-photon detector; Paolucci F., Germanese G., Braggio A., Giazotto F.; Applied Physics Letters (122); 173503 (2023) 10.1063/5.0145544

  • A Novel Serum-Based Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease Using an Advanced Phage-Based Biochip; Rizzo M.G., De Plano L.M., Palermo N., Franco D., Nicolò M., Sciuto E.L., Calabrese G., Oddo S., Conoci S., Guglielmino S.P.P.; Advanced Science (2023) 10.1002/advs.202301650

  • Ultralinear Magnetic-Flux-To-Voltage Conversion in Superconducting Quantum Interference Proximity Transistors; De Simoni G., Giazotto F.; Physical Review Applied (19); 054021 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.19.054021

  • Negative differential thermal conductance by photonic transport in electronic circuits; Dey S.S., Timossi G., Amico L., Marchegiani G.; Physical Review B (107); 134510 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevB.107.134510

  • Efficient full frequency GW for metals using a multipole approach for the dielectric screening; Leon D.A., Ferretti A., Varsano D., Molinari E., Cardoso C.; Physical Review B (107); 155130 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevB.107.155130

  • Roadmap on thermoelectricity; Artini C., Pennelli G., Graziosi P., Li Z., Neophytou N., Melis C., Colombo L., Isotta E., Lohani K., Scardi P., Castellero A., Baricco M., Palumbo M., Casassa S., Maschio L., Pani M., Latronico G., Mele P., Di Benedetto F., Contento G., De Riccardis M.F., Fucci R., Palazzo B., Rizzo A., Demontis V., Prete D., Isram M., Rossella F., Ferrario A., Miozzo A., Boldrini S., Dimaggio E., Franzini M., Galliano S., Barolo C., Mardi S., Reale A., Lorenzi B., Narducci D., Trifiletti V., Milita S., Bellucci A., Trucchi D.M.; Nanotechnology (34); 292001 (2023) 10.1088/1361-6528/acca88

  • Defective graphene decorated with TiO2 nanoparticles as negative electrode in Li-ion batteries; Sidoli M., Magnani G., Fornasini L., Scaravonati S., Morenghi A., Vezzoni V., Bersani D., Bertoni G., Gaboardi M., Riccò M., Pontiroli D.; Journal of Alloys and Compounds (958); 170420 (2023) 10.1016/j.jallcom.2023.170420

  • Development of a novel C-dots conductometric sensor for NO sensing; Crispi S., Nocito G., Nastasi F., Condorelli G., Ricciardulli A.G., Samorì P., Conoci S., Neri G.; Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (390); 133957 (2023) 10.1016/j.snb.2023.133957

  • Quantum scrambling via accessible tripartite information; Lo Monaco G., Innocenti L., Cilluffo D., Chisholm D.A., Lorenzo S., Palma G.M.; Quantum Science and Technology (8); 035006 (2023) 10.1088/2058-9565/accd92

  • Optical Gain Switching by Thermo-Responsive Light-Emitting Nanofibers through Moisture Sorption Swelling; Archimi M., Schoolaert E., Becelaere J., Hoogenboom R., Camposeo A., De Clerck K., Pisignano D.; Advanced Optical Materials (2023) 10.1002/adom.202202056

  • Injecting Electrons into CeO2 via Photoexcitation of Embedded Au Nanoparticles; Spurio E., Pelli Cresi J.S., Ammirati G., Pelatti S., Paladini A., D’Addato S., Turchini S., O’Keeffe P., Catone D., Luches P.; ACS Photonics (2023) 10.1021/acsphotonics.3c00184

  • False Onsager relations; Campisi M.; EPL (142); 30002 (2023) 10.1209/0295-5075/acd023

  • Anisotropic rheology and friction of suspended graphene; Mescola A., Silva A., Khosravi A., Vanossi A., Tosatti E., Valeri S., Paolicelli G.; Physical Review Materials (7); 054007 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.7.054007

  • Liquid metal fabrication of ultrathin Ga2O3 and GaN layers for integrated optics; Pedram P., Zavabeti A., Syed N., Slassi A., Nguyen C.K., Fornacciari B., Lamirand A., Galipaud J., Calzolari A., Boes A., Daeneke T., Cueff S., Mitchell A., Monat C.; Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering (12423); 1242309 (2023) 10.1117/12.2659145

  • Towards high-throughput many-body perturbation theory: efficient algorithms and automated workflows; Bonacci M., Qiao J., Spallanzani N., Marrazzo A., Pizzi G., Molinari E., Varsano D., Ferretti A., Prezzi D.; npj Computational Materials (9); 74 (2023) 10.1038/s41524-023-01027-2

  • Topological-insulator nanocylinders; Governale M., Taddei F.; SciPost Physics Core (6); 032 (2023) 10.21468/SciPostPhysCore.6.2.032

  • Potential and limitations of quantum extreme learning machines; Innocenti L., Lorenzo S., Palmisano I., Ferraro A., Paternostro M., Palma G.M.; Communications Physics (6); 118 (2023) 10.1038/s42005-023-01233-w

  • Thermodynamic Evolution of a Metamorphic Protein: A Theoretical-Computational Study of Human Lymphotactin; Zanetti-Polzi L., Daidone I., Iacobucci C., Amadei A.; Protein Journal (2023) 10.1007/s10930-023-10123-7

  • Structural analysis of water networks; Benzi M., Daidone I., Faccio C., Zanetti-Polzi L.; Journal of Complex Networks (11); cnad001 (2023) 10.1093/comnet/cnad001

  • Quality-by-Design R&D of a Novel Nanozyme-Based Sensor for Saliva Antioxidant Capacity Evaluation; Goldoni R., Thomaz D.V., Strambini L., Tumedei M., Dongiovanni P., Isola G., Tartaglia G.; Antioxidants (12); 1120 (2023) 10.3390/antiox12051120

  • An insight into hypothesized biological mechanisms contributing to the Flash effect; Del Debbio F., Bertilacchi M.S., Gonnelli A., Da Pozzo E., Tozzini V., Martini C., Capaccioli S., Costa B.; Frontiers in Physics (11); 1201708 (2023) 10.3389/fphy.2023.1201708

  • Sub-THz wireless transmission based on Graphene on Silicon Nitride integrated photonics; Montanaro A., Piccinini G., Mišeikis V., Sorianello V., Giambra M.A., Soresi S., Giorgi L., D'Errico A., Watanabe K., Taniguchi T., Pezzini S., Coletti C., Romagnoli M.; 2023 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, OFC 2023 - Proceedings M3D.1 (2023) 10.23919/OFC49934.2023.10116328

  • Signatures of Dissipation Driven Quantum Phase Transition in Rabi Model; De Filippis G., De Candia A., Di Bello G., Perroni C.A., Cangemi L.M., Nocera A., Sassetti M., Fazio R., Cataudella V.; Physical Review Letters (130); 210404 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.210404

  • Gate-Controlled Magnetotransport and Electrostatic Modulation of Magnetism in 2D Magnetic Semiconductor CrPS4; Wu F., Gibertini M., Watanabe K., Taniguchi T., Gutiérrez-Lezama I., Ubrig N., Morpurgo A.F.; Advanced Materials (2023) 10.1002/adma.202211653

  • The NF–Y splicing signature controls hybrid EMT and ECM-related pathways to promote aggressiveness of colon cancer; Rigillo G., Belluti S., Campani V., Ragazzini G., Ronzio M., Miserocchi G., Bighi B., Cuoghi L., Mularoni V., Zappavigna V., Dolfini D., Mercatali L., Alessandrini A., Imbriano C.; Cancer Letters (567); 216262 (2023) 10.1016/j.canlet.2023.216262

  • Microglial extracellular vesicles induce Alzheimer's disease-related cortico-hippocampal network dysfunction; Falcicchia C., Tozzi F., Gabrielli M., Amoretti S., Masini G., Nardi G., Guglielmo S., Ratto G.M., Arancio O., Verderio C., Origlia N.; Brain Communications (5); fcad170 (2023) 10.1093/braincomms/fcad170

  • Design and development of molecularly imprinted biodegradable polymers for nanomedicine; Gagliardi M.; Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research (2023) 10.1016/j.aiepr.2023.04.002

  • QM/Classical Modeling of Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Based on Atomistic Electromagnetic Models; Lafiosca P., Nicoli L., Bonatti L., Giovannini T., Corni S., Cappelli C.; Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (19); 3616-3633 (2023) 10.1021/acs.jctc.3c00177

  • Optical grade bromide-based thin film electrolytes; Melchioni N., Trupiano G., Tofani G., Bertini R., Mezzetta A., Bianco F., Guazzelli L., Beltram F., Pomelli C.S., Roddaro S., Tredicucci A., Paolucci F.; Applied Physics Letters (122); 243505 (2023) 10.1063/5.0153394

  • Advances in ultrafast plasmonics; Koya A.N., Romanelli M., Kuttruff J., Henriksson N., Stefancu A., Grinblat G., De Andres A., Schnur F., Vanzan M., Marsili M., Rahaman M., Viejo Rodríguez A., Tapani T., Lin H., Dana B.D., Lin J., Barbillon G., Proietti Zaccaria R., Brida D., Jariwala D., Veisz L., Cortés E., Corni S., Garoli D., Maccaferri N.; Applied Physics Reviews (10); 021318 (2023) 10.1063/5.0134993

  • One-Dimensional “Ghost Imaging” in Electron Microscopy of Inelastically Scattered Electrons; Rotunno E., Gargiulo S., Vanacore G.M., Mechel C., Tavabi A.H., Dunin-Borkowski R.E., Carbone F., Madan I., Frabboni S., Guner T., Karimi E., Kaminer I., Grillo V.; ACS Photonics (10); 1708-1715 (2023) 10.1021/acsphotonics.2c01925

  • Bipolar thermoelectricity in S/I/NS and S/I/SN superconducting tunnel junctions; Hijano A., Bergeret F.S., Giazotto F., Braggio A.; Applied Physics Letters (122); 242603-1 (2023) 10.1063/5.0152705

  • Mechanism and Dynamics of Photodecarboxylation Catalyzed by Lactate Monooxygenase; Li X., Page C.G., Zanetti-Polzi L., Kalra A.P., Oblinsky D.G., Daidone I., Hyster T.K., Scholes G.D.; Journal of the American Chemical Society (145); 13232-13240 (2023) 10.1021/jacs.3c02446

  • Long-Term Degradation Mechanisms in Application-Implemented Radical Thin Films; Nowik-Boltyk E.M., Junghoefer T., Glaser M., Giangrisostomi E., Ovsyannikov R., Zhang S., Shu C., Rajca A., Calzolari A., Casu M.B.; ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (15); 30935-30943 (2023) 10.1021/acsami.3c02057

  • A Fast and Reliable Method Based on QCM-D Instrumentation for the Screening of Nanoparticle/Blood Protein Interactions; Gagliardi M., Colagiorgio L., Cecchini M.; Biosensors (13); 607 (2023) 10.3390/bios13060607

  • Targeting Peptides: The New Generation of Targeted Drug Delivery Systems; Todaro B., Ottalagana E., Luin S., Santi M.; Pharmaceutics (15); 1648 (2023) 10.3390/pharmaceutics15061648

  • Expansion of the Materials Cloud 2D Database; Campi D., Mounet N., Gibertini M., Pizzi G., Marzari N.; ACS Nano (17); 11268-11278 (2023) 10.1021/acsnano.2c11510

  • Quenching of low-energy optical absorption in bilayer C3 N polytypes; Zanfrognini M., Bonacci M., Paleari F., Molinari E., Ruini A., Ferretti A., Caldas M.J., Varsano D.; Physical Review Materials (7); 064006 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.7.064006

  • Setting up multicolour TIRF microscopy down to the single molecule level; Schirripa Spagnolo C., Luin S.; Biomolecular Concepts (14); 20220032 (2023) 10.1515/bmc-2022-0032

  • Simple and effective screening parameter for range-separated dielectric-dependent hybrids; Jana S., Ghosh A., Constantin L.A., Samal P.; Physical Review B (108); 045101 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.045101

  • Human Small Heat Shock Protein B8 Inhibits Protein Aggregation without Affecting the Native Folding Process; Choudhary D., Mediani L., Avellaneda M.J., Bjarnason S., Alberti S., Boczek E.E., Heidarsson P.O., Mossa A., Carra S., Tans S.J., Cecconi C.; Journal of the American Chemical Society (2023) 10.1021/jacs.3c02022

  • The beauty and complexity of the small heat shock proteins: a report on the proceedings of the fourth workshop on small heat shock proteins; Ecroyd H., Bartelt-Kirbach B., Ben-Zvi A., Bonavita R., Bushman Y., Casarotto E., Cecconi C., Lau W.C.Y., Hibshman J.D., Joosten J., Kimonis V., Klevit R., Liberek K., McMenimen K.A., Miwa T., Mogk A., Montepietra D., Peters C., Rocchetti M.T., Saman D., Sisto A., Secco V., Strauch A., Taguchi H., Tanguay M., Tedesco B., Toth M.E., Wang Z., Benesch J.L.P., Carra S.; Cell Stress and Chaperones (2023) 10.1007/s12192-023-01360-x

  • Robust Engineering of Maximally Entangled States by Identical Particle Interferometry; Piccolini M., Giovannetti V., Lo Franco R.; Advanced Quantum Technologies (2023) 10.1002/qute.202300146

  • Dielectric response and excitations of hydrogenated free-standing graphene; Betti M.G., Marchiani D., Tonelli A., Sbroscia M., Blundo E., De Luca M., Polimeni A., Frisenda R., Mariani C., Jeong S., Ito Y., Cavani N., Biagi R., Gillespie P.N.O., Hernandez Bertran M.A., Bonacci M., Molinari E., De Renzi V., Prezzi D.; Carbon Trends (12); 100274 (2023) 10.1016/j.cartre.2023.100274

  • PCR-Free Innovative Strategies for SARS-CoV-2 Detection; Calorenni P., Leonardi A.A., Sciuto E.L., Rizzo M.G., Faro M.J.L., Fazio B., Irrera A., Conoci S.; Advanced Healthcare Materials (2023) 10.1002/adhm.202300512

  • Half-integer Shapiro steps in highly transmissive InSb nanoflag Josephson junctions; Iorio A., Crippa A., Turini B., Salimian S., Carrega M., Chirolli L., Zannier V., Sorba L., Strambini E., Giazotto F., Heun S.; Physical Review Research (5); 033015 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.033015

  • Shank3 deletion in PV neurons is associated with abnormal behaviors and neuronal functions that are rescued by increasing GABAergic signaling; Pagano J., Landi S., Stefanoni A., Nardi G., Albanesi M., Bauer H.F., Pracucci E., Schön M., Ratto G.M., Boeckers T.M., Sala C., Verpelli C.; Molecular Autism (14); 28 (2023) 10.1186/s13229-023-00557-2

  • Tanshinone IIA and Cryptotanshinone Counteract Inflammation by Regulating Gene and miRNA Expression in Human SGBS Adipocytes; Carpi S., Quarta S., Doccini S., Saviano A., Marigliano N., Polini B., Massaro M., Carluccio M.A., Calabriso N., Wabitsch M., Santorelli F.M., Cecchini M., Maione F., Nieri P., Scoditti E.; Biomolecules (13); 1029 (2023) 10.3390/biom13071029

  • Stretch-activated ion channel TMEM63B associates with developmental and epileptic encephalopathies and progressive neurodegeneration; Vetro A., Pelorosso C., Balestrini S., Masi A., Hambleton S., Argilli E., Conti V., Giubbolini S., Barrick R., Bergant G., Writzl K., Bijlsma E.K., Brunet T., Cacheiro P., Mei D., Devlin A., Hoffer M.J.V., Machol K., Mannaioni G., Sakamoto M., Menezes M.P., Courtin T., Sherr E., Parra R., Richardson R., Roscioli T., Scala M., von Stülpnagel C., Smedley D., Pochiero F., Mari F., Ramesh V., Capra V., Mancardi M., Keren B., Mignot C., Lulli M., Parks K., Griffin H., Brugger M., Nigro V., Hirata Y., Koichihara R., Peterlin B., Maki R., Nitta Y., Ambrose J.C., Arumugam P., Bevers R., Bleda M., Boardman-Pretty F., Boustred C.R., Brittain H., Brown M.A., Caulfield M.J., Chan G.C., Giess A., Griffin J.N., Hamblin A., Henderson S., Hubbard T.J.P., Jackson R., Jones L.J., Kasperaviciute D., Kayikci M., Kousathanas A., Lahnstein L., Lakey A., Leigh S.E.A., Leong I.U.S., Lopez J.F., Maleady-Crowe F., McEntagart M., Minneci F., Mitchell J., Moutsianas L., Mueller M., Murugaesu N., Need A.C., O'Donovan P., Odhams C.A., Patch C., Perez-Gil D., Pereira M.B., Pullinger J., Rahim T., Rendon A., Rogers T., Savage K., Sawant K., Scott R.H., Siddiq A., Sieghart A., Smith S.C., Sosinsky A., Stuckey A., Tanguy M., Taylor Tavares A.L., Thomas E.R.A., Thompson S.R.; American Journal of Human Genetics (110); 1356-1376 (2023) 10.1016/j.ajhg.2023.06.008

  • Development of a micro-Vis-NIR and SAW nanobiosensor to measure polyphenols in must/wine on-time and online; Taglieri I., Mencarelli F., Bellincontro A., Modesti M., Cerreta R., Zinnai A., Sanmartin C., Cecchini M., Agostini M., Gagliardi M.; Acta Horticulturae (1368); 39-45 (2023) 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1370.6

  • Experimental investigation of electronic interactions in collapsed and uncollapsed LaFe2As2 phases; Pallecchi I., Stellino E., Postorino P., Iyo A., Ogino H., Affronte M., Putti M.; Physical Review B (108); 014512 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.014512

  • Efficiency and thermodynamic uncertainty relations of a dynamical quantum heat engine; Razzoli L., Cavaliere F., Carrega M., Sassetti M., Benenti G.; European Physical Journal: Special Topics (2023) 10.1140/epjs/s11734-023-00949-8

  • Superconductivity induced by gate-driven hydrogen intercalation in the charge-density-wave compound 1T-TiSe2; Piatti E., Prando G., Meinero M., Tresca C., Putti M., Roddaro S., Lamura G., Shiroka T., Carretta P., Profeta G., Daghero D., Gonnelli R.S.; Communications Physics (6); 202 (2023) 10.1038/s42005-023-01330-w

  • Scalable High-Mobility Graphene/hBN Heterostructures; Martini L., Mišeikis V., Esteban D., Azpeitia J., Pezzini S., Paletti P., Ochapski M.W., Convertino D., Hernandez M.G., Jimenez I., Coletti C.; ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (15); 37794-37801 (2023) 10.1021/acsami.3c06120

  • Role of density gradients in the growth dynamics of 2-dimensional MoS2 using liquid phase molybdenum precursor in chemical vapor deposition; Esposito F., Bosi M., Attolini G., Rossi F., Panasci S.E., Fiorenza P., Giannazzo F., Fabbri F., Seravalli L.; Applied Surface Science (639); 158230 (2023) 10.1016/j.apsusc.2023.158230

  • Ultrastrong Magnon-Photon Coupling Achieved by Magnetic Films in Contact with Superconducting Resonators; Ghirri A., Bonizzoni C., Maksutoglu M., Mercurio A., Di Stefano O., Savasta S., Affronte M.; Physical Review Applied (20); 024039 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.20.024039

  • Multiple antiferromagnetic phases and magnetic anisotropy in exfoliated CrBr3 multilayers; Yao F., Multian V., Wang Z., Ubrig N., Teyssier J., Wu F., Giannini E., Gibertini M., Gutiérrez-Lezama I., Morpurgo A.F.; Nature Communications (14); 4969 (2023) 10.1038/s41467-023-40723-x

  • Field-driven attosecond charge dynamics in germanium; Inzani G., Adamska L., Eskandari-asl A., Di Palo N., Dolso G.L., Moio B., D’Onofrio L.J., Lamperti A., Molle A., Borrego-Varillas R., Nisoli M., Pittalis S., Rozzi C.A., Avella A., Lucchini M.; Nature Photonics (2023) 10.1038/s41566-023-01274-1

  • Vibrational response functions for multidimensional electronic spectroscopy: From Duschinsky rotations to multimode squeezed coherent states; Quintela Rodriguez F.E., Troiani F.; The Journal of chemical physics (159); (2023) 10.1063/5.0162594

  • An Electron Computational Ghost Imaging Setup for High Resolution Imaging; Rosi P., Viani L., Rotunno E., Tavabi A., Borkowski R.E.D., Frabboni S., Grillo V.; Microscopy and microanalysis : the official journal of Microscopy Society of America, Microbeam Analysis Society, Microscopical Society of Canada (29); 336-338 (2023) 10.1093/micmic/ozad067.157

  • Work Extraction Processes from Noisy Quantum Batteries: The Role of Nonlocal Resources; Tirone S., Salvia R., Chessa S., Giovannetti V.; Physical Review Letters (131); 060402 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.060402

  • Biosensing Systems Based on Graphene Oxide Fluorescence Quenching Effect; Battisti A., Samal S.K., Puppi D.; Micromachines (14); 1522 (2023) 10.3390/mi14081522

  • Mode Characterization and Sensitivity Evaluation of a Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) Resonator Biosensor: Application to the Glial-Fibrillary-Acidic-Protein (GFAP) Biomarker Detection; Passeri A.M., Lunardelli F., Cavariani D., Cecchini M., Agostini M.; Micromachines (14); 1485 (2023) 10.3390/mi14081485

  • A Generalized Nomenclature Scheme for Graphene Pores, Flakes, and Edges, and an Algorithm for Their Generation and Numbering; Fthenakis Z.G.; Nanomaterials (13); 2343 (2023) 10.3390/nano13162343

  • Additive Manufacturing of Wet-Spun Polysulfone Medical Implants; Puppi D., Braccini S., Battisti A., Manariti A., Pecorini G., Samal S.K.; ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering (2023) 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.3c00711

  • Electrically Tunable Nonlinearity at 3.2 Terahertz in Single-Layer Graphene; Di Gaspare A., Balci O., Zhang J., Meersha A., Shinde S.M., Li L., Davies A.G., Linfield E.H., Ferrari A.C., Vitiello M.S.; ACS Photonics (2023) 10.1021/acsphotonics.3c00543

  • Improving the speed of variational quantum algorithms for quantum error correction; Zoratti F., De Palma G., Kiani B., Nguyen Q.T., Marvian M., Lloyd S., Giovannetti V.; Physical Review A (108); 022611 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevA.108.022611

  • A statistical mechanical model of supercooled water based on minimal clusters of correlated molecules; Daidone I., Foffi R., Amadei A., Zanetti-Polzi L.; The Journal of chemical physics (159); (2023) 10.1063/5.0157505

  • Defect-Engineering by Solvent Mediated Mild Oxidation as a Tool to Induce Exchange Bias in Metal Doped Ferrites; Muzzi B., Albino M., Petrecca M., Innocenti C., de Julián Fernández C., Bertoni G., Ibarra M.R., Christensen M., Avdeev M., Marquina C., Sangregorio C.; Small Methods (2023) 10.1002/smtd.202300647

  • The meaning of redundancy and consensus in quantum objectivity; Chisholm D.A., Innocenti L., Massimo Palma G.; Quantum (7); (2023) 10.22331/q-2023-08-03-1074

  • Magnetism-Induced Band-Edge Shift as the Mechanism for Magnetoconductance in CrPS4 Transistors; Wu F., Gibertini M., Watanabe K., Taniguchi T., Gutiérrez-Lezama I., Ubrig N., Morpurgo A.F.; Nano Letters (2023) 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c02274

  • koopmans: An Open-Source Package for Accurately and Efficiently Predicting Spectral Properties with Koopmans Functionals; Linscott E.B., Colonna N., De Gennaro R., Nguyen N.L., Borghi G., Ferretti A., Dabo I., Marzari N.; Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (2023) 10.1021/acs.jctc.3c00652

  • Josephson diode effect in monolithic dc-SQUIDs based on 3D Dayem nanobridges; Greco A., Pichard Q., Giazotto F.; Applied Physics Letters (123); 092601 (2023) 10.1063/5.0165259

  • Built-in tensile strain dependence on the lateral size of monolayer MoS2 synthesized by liquid precursor chemical vapor deposition; Seravalli L., Esposito F., Bosi M., Aversa L., Trevisi G., Verucchi R., Lazzarini L., Rossi F., Fabbri F.; Nanoscale (15); 14669-14678 (2023) 10.1039/d3nr01687k

  • Terahertz imaging for non-invasive classification of healthy and cimiciato-infected hazelnuts; Gennari F., Pagano M., Toncelli A., Lisanti M.T., Paoletti R., Roversi P.F., Tredicucci A., Giaccone M.; Heliyon (9); e19891 (2023) 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e19891

  • Quantitative determination of fluorescence labeling implemented in cell cultures; Schirripa Spagnolo C., Moscardini A., Amodeo R., Beltram F., Luin S.; BMC Biology (21); 190 (2023) 10.1186/s12915-023-01685-0

  • Author Correction: Multiple antiferromagnetic phases and magnetic anisotropy in exfoliated CrBr3 multilayers (Nature Communications, (2023), 14, 1, (4969), 10.1038/s41467-023-40723-x); Yao F., Multian V., Wang Z., Ubrig N., Teyssier J., Wu F., Giannini E., Gibertini M., Gutiérrez-Lezama I., Morpurgo A.F.; Nature Communications (14); 5771 (2023) 10.1038/s41467-023-41613-y

  • Topological Josephson junctions in the integer quantum Hall regime; Blasi G., Haack G., Giovannetti V., Taddei F., Braggio A.; Physical Review Research (5); 033142 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.033142

  • Thermodynamic uncertainty relations for systems with broken time reversal symmetry: The case of superconducting hybrid systems; Taddei F., Fazio R.; Physical Review B (108); 115422 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.115422

  • Effects of fabrication routes and material parameters on the control of superconducting currents by gate voltage; Ruf L., Elalaily T., Puglia C., Ivanov Y.P., Joint F., Berke M., Iorio A., Makk P., De Simoni G., Gasparinetti S., Divitini G., Csonka S., Giazotto F., Scheer E., Di Bernardo A.; APL Materials (11); 091113 (2023) 10.1063/5.0159750

  • Corner states of two-dimensional second-order topological insulators with a chiral symmetry and broken time reversal and charge conjugation; Poata J., Taddei F., Governale M.; Physical Review B (108); 115405 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.115405

  • Monitoring drug stability by label-free fluorescence lifetime imaging: A case study on liposomal doxorubicin; Carretta A., Cardarelli F.; Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2579); 012009 (2023) 10.1088/1742-6596/2579/1/012009

  • Fluorescence Lifetime Nanoscopy of Liposomal Irinotecan Onivyde: From Manufacturing to Intracellular Processing; Bernardi M., Signore G., Moscardini A., Pugliese L.A., Pesce L., Beltram F., Cardarelli F.; ACS Applied Bio Materials (2023) 10.1021/acsabm.3c00478

  • Nuclear ERK1/2 signaling potentiation enhances neuroprotection and cognition via Importinα1/KPNA2; Indrigo M., Morella I., Orellana D., d'Isa R., Papale A., Parra R., Gurgone A., Lecca D., Cavaccini A., Tigaret C.M., Cagnotto A., Jones K., Brooks S., Ratto G.M., Allen N.D., Lelos M.J., Middei S., Giustetto M., Carta A.R., Tonini R., Salmona M., Hall J., Thomas K., Brambilla R., Fasano S.; EMBO Molecular Medicine (2023) 10.15252/emmm.202215984

  • Testing identity of collections of quantum states: sample complexity analysis; Fanizza M., Salvia R., Giovannetti V.; Quantum (7); A10 (2023) 10.22331/Q-2023-09-11-1105

  • A time-dependent regularization of the Redfield equation; D’Abbruzzo A., Cavina V., Giovannetti V.; SciPost Physics (15); (2023) 10.21468/SciPostPhys.15.3.117

  • Thermoelectric signatures of order-parameter symmetries in iron-based superconducting tunnel junctions; Guarcello C., Braggio A., Giazotto F., Citro R.; Physical Review B (108); L100511 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.L100511

  • Deconstructing Electrostatics of Functionalized Metal Nanoparticles from Molecular Dynamics Simulations; Bini M., Tozzini V., Brancolini G.; Journal of Physical Chemistry B (127); 8226-8241 (2023) 10.1021/acs.jpcb.3c03481

  • Sub-THz wireless transmission based on graphene-integrated optoelectronic mixer; Montanaro A., Piccinini G., Mišeikis V., Sorianello V., Giambra M.A., Soresi S., Giorgi L., D’Errico A., Watanabe K., Taniguchi T., Pezzini S., Coletti C., Romagnoli M.; Nature Communications (14); 6471 (2023) 10.1038/s41467-023-42194-6

  • Bipolar thermoelectrical SQUIPT (BTSQUIPT); Guarcello C., Citro R., Giazotto F., Braggio A.; Applied Physics Letters (123); 152601 (2023) 10.1063/5.0169267

  • Measuring the Ultrafast Dynamic of Nanoparticle Temperature on the fs-to-ps Time Scale; Bisio F., Ferrera M., Sygletou M., Magnozzi M., Catone D., O'keeffe P., Paladini A., Toschi F., Benedetti S., Pierantozzi G.M., Cucini R., Di Bona A., Torelli P., Della Valle G., Panaccione G., Canepa M.; International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics 140-141 (2023)

  • A TD-DFT Approach for Polariton Chemistry: Polaritonic and Charge Transfer Excitations in Azobenzene Photoisomerization; Cascino L., Corni S., D'Agostino S.; International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics 1379-1380 (2023)

  • Surface absorbers for thermomechanical bolometers; Bertoni B., Vicarelli L., Zanotto S., Roddaro S., Tredicucci A., Pitanti A.; International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics 1346-1347 (2023)

  • Semilocal Meta-GGA Exchange-Correlation Approximation from Adiabatic Connection Formalism: Extent and Limitations; Jana S., Śmiga S., Constantin L.A., Samal P.; The journal of physical chemistry. A (127); 8685-8697 (2023) 10.1021/acs.jpca.3c03976

  • Mid-infrared photocurrent nano-spectroscopy exploiting the thermoelectric effect in graphene; Venanzi T., Giliberti V., Temperini M.E., Sotgiu S., Polito R., Mattioli F., Pitanti A., Mišeikis V., Coletti C., Roddaro S., Baldassarre L., Ortolani M.; Applied Physics Letters (123); 153509 (2023) 10.1063/5.0162631

  • Untargeted Lipidomic Approach for Studying Different Nervous System Tissues of the Murine Model of Krabbe Disease; Alabed H.B.R., Del Grosso A., Bellani V., Urbanelli L., Carpi S., De Sarlo M., Bertocci L., Colagiorgio L., Buratta S., Scaccini L., Frongia Mancini D., Tonazzini I., Cecchini M., Emiliani C., Pellegrino R.M.; Biomolecules (13); 1562 (2023) 10.3390/biom13101562

  • Unveiling the Thermoelectric Performances of Zn1−xFexSe Nanoparticles Prepared by the Hydrothermal Method; Isram M., Demontis V., Magrin Maffei R., Abbas Khan N., di Bona A., Benedetti S., Amin N., Mahmood K., Rossella F.; Inorganics (11); 286 (2023) 10.3390/inorganics11070286

  • A Perspective on Sustainable Computational Chemistry Software Development and Integration; Di Felice R., Mayes M.L., Richard R.M., Williams-Young D.B., Chan G.K.L., de Jong W.A., Govind N., Head-Gordon M., Hermes M.R., Kowalski K., Li X., Lischka H., Mueller K.T., Mutlu E., Niklasson A.M.N., Pederson M.R., Peng B., Shepard R., Valeev E.F., van Schilfgaarde M., Vlaisavljevich B., Windus T.L., Xantheas S.S., Zhang X., Zimmerman P.M.; Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (2023) 10.1021/acs.jctc.3c00419

  • Theory of photochromic F orster energy transfer; Storti B., Bizzarri R.; Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" (210); 13-22 (2023) 10.3254/ENFI230003

  • Light-Driven Attosecond Photoinjection in Germanium; Inzani G., Adamska L., Eskandari-Asl A., Di Palo N., Dolso G.L., Moio B., D'Onofrio L.J., Lamperti A., Molle A., Borrego-Varillas R., Nisoli M., Pittalis S., Rozzi C.A., Avella A., Lucchini M.; 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023 (2023) 10.1109/CLEO/EUROPE-EQEC57999.2023.10232008

  • Cryogen-free, QCL-based Free Space THz Communication link; Sorgi A., Meucci M., Umair M.A., Cappelli F., Viti L., Vitiello M.S., Catani J., Consolino L.; 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023 (2023) 10.1109/CLEO/EUROPE-EQEC57999.2023.10231650

  • Generation of a helper phage for the fluorescent detection of peptide-target interactions by dual-display phages; De Plano L.M., Oddo S., Guglielmino S.P.P., Caccamo A., Conoci S.; Scientific Reports (13); 18927 (2023) 10.1038/s41598-023-45087-2

  • Daily rhythm in cortical chloride homeostasis underpins functional changes in visual cortex excitability; Pracucci E., Graham R.T., Alberio L., Nardi G., Cozzolino O., Pillai V., Pasquini G., Saieva L., Walsh D., Landi S., Zhang J., Trevelyan A.J., Ratto G.M.; Nature Communications (14); 7108 (2023) 10.1038/s41467-023-42711-7

  • Enhanced connectivity and mobility in liquid water: Implications for the high density liquid structure and its onset; Faccio C., Di Fonte N., Daidone I., Zanetti-Polzi L.; Journal of Molecular Liquids (392); 123425 (2023) 10.1016/j.molliq.2023.123425

  • Terahertz Plasmon Polaritons in Large Area Bi2Se3 Topological Insulators; Pistore V., Viti L., Schiattarella C., Riccardi E., Knox C.S., Yagmur A., Burton J.J., Sasaki S., Davies A.G., Linfield E.H., Freeman J.R., Vitiello M.S.; Advanced Optical Materials (2023) 10.1002/adom.202301673

  • New metastable interfacial synthesis of a silver-terephthalate metal organic framework: structure, morphology and antibacterial activities; Paratore V., Franco D., Guglielmino S., Lo Presti F., Traina F., Conoci S., Condorelli G.G.; Materials Advances (2023) 10.1039/d3ma00512g

  • GaAs/GaP Superlattice Nanowires for Tailoring Phononic Properties at the Nanoscale: Implications for Thermal Engineering; K. Sivan A., Abad B., Albrigi T., Arif O., Trautvetter J., Ruiz Caridad A., Arya C., Zannier V., Sorba L., Rurali R., Zardo I.; ACS Applied Nano Materials (6); 18602-18613 (2023) 10.1021/acsanm.3c04245

  • Sub-standard quantum limit estimation precision for a wide resources range; Cimini V., Belliardo F., Polino E., Hoch F., Piccirillo B., Spagnolo N., Giovannetti V., Sciarrino F.; 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2023 FTu4A.2 (2023)

  • Comb Emission of a THz-QCL Characterized by Fourier Transform Analysis Over Different Current Regimes; Sorgi A., Cappelli F., Eramo R., De Natale P., Riccardi E., Pistore V., Vitiello M.S., Consolino L.; 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2023 SF3I.7 (2023)

  • Near-field quantum nanoscopy in the far-infrared enabled by quantum cascade lasers: opinion; Vitiello M.S.; Optical Materials Express (13); 3045-3050 (2023) 10.1364/OME.504097

  • Superconductor-ferromagnet hybrids for non-reciprocal electronics and detectors; Geng Z., Hijano A., Ilić S., Ilyn M., Maasilta I., Monfardini A., Spies M., Strambini E., Virtanen P., Calvo M., González-Orellána C., Helenius A.P., Khorshidian S., de Araujo C.I.L., Levy-Bertrand F., Rogero C., Giazotto F., Bergeret F.S., Heikkilä T.T.; Superconductor Science and Technology (36); 123001 (2023) 10.1088/1361-6668/ad01e9

  • Aptamer-based gold nanoparticle aggregates for ultrasensitive amplification-free detection of PSMA; Matteoli G., Luin S., Bellucci L., Nifosì R., Beltram F., Signore G.; Scientific Reports (13); 19926 (2023) 10.1038/s41598-023-46974-4

  • Thermoelectric Single-Photon Detection Through Superconducting Tunnel Junctions; Paolucci F., Germanese G., Braggio A., Giazotto F.; Journal of Low Temperature Physics (2023) 10.1007/s10909-023-03011-y

  • Optimized Two-Color Single-Molecule Tracking of Fast-Diffusing Membrane Receptors; Schirripa Spagnolo C., Moscardini A., Amodeo R., Beltram F., Luin S.; Advanced Optical Materials (2023) 10.1002/adom.202302012

  • QCL-based THz Optical Wireless Communication Link; Sorgi A., Meucci M., Umair M.A., Cappelli F., Viti L., Vitiello M.S., Catani J., Consolino L.; International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz (2023) 10.1109/IRMMW-THz57677.2023.10299148

  • Microscopic theory of supercurrent suppression by gate-controlled surface depairing; Chakraborty S., Nikolić D., Cuevas J.C., Giazotto F., Di Bernardo A., Scheer E., Cuoco M., Belzig W.; Physical Review B (108); 184508 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.184508

  • Quantum estimation and remote charge sensing with a hole-spin qubit in silicon; Forghieri G., Secchi A., Bertoni A., Bordone P., Troiani F.; Physical Review Research (5); 043159 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.043159

  • Shadow Tomography on General Measurement Frames; Innocenti L., Lorenzo S., Palmisano I., Albarelli F., Ferraro A., Paternostro M., Palma G.M.; PRX Quantum (4); 040328 (2023) 10.1103/PRXQuantum.4.040328

  • Distinguishing Different Stackings in Layered Materials via Luminescence Spectroscopy; Zanfrognini M., Plaud A., Stenger I., Fossard F., Sponza L., Schué L., Paleari F., Molinari E., Varsano D., Wirtz L., Ducastelle F., Loiseau A., Barjon J.; Physical review letters (131); 206902 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.206902

  • Three-dimensional graphene on a nano-porous 4H-silicon carbide backbone: a novel material for food sensing applications; Veronesi S., Vlamidis Y., Ferbel L., Marinelli C., Sanmartin C., Taglieri I., Pfusterschmied G., Leitgeb M., Schmid U., Mencarelli F., Heun S.; Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2023) 10.1002/jsfa.13118

  • Sign reversal diode effect in superconducting Dayem nanobridges; Margineda D., Crippa A., Strambini E., Fukaya Y., Mercaldo M.T., Cuoco M., Giazotto F.; Communications Physics (6); 343 (2023) 10.1038/s42005-023-01458-9

  • Josephson parametric amplifier with Chebyshev gain profile and high saturation; Kaufman R., White T., Dykman M.I., Iorio A., Sterling G., Hong S., Opremcak A., Bengtsson A., Faoro L., Bardin J.C., Burger T., Gasca R., Naaman O.; Physical Review Applied (20); 054058 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.20.054058

  • High-resolution acoustic field mapping of gigahertz phononic crystals with atomic force microscopy; Pitanti A., Yuan M., Zanotto S., Santos P.V.; Physical Review Applied (20); 054054 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.20.054054

  • Light-Emitting Microfibers from Lotus Root for Eco-Friendly Optical Waveguides and Biosensing; Yang X., Xu L., Xiong S., Rao H., Tan F., Yan J., Bao Y., Albanese A., Camposeo A., Pisignano D., Li B.; Nano Letters (2023) 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c03213

  • Alkoxysilane-Mediated Decoration of Si Nanowires Vertical Arrays with Au Nanoparticles as Improved SERS-Active Platforms; Lo Faro M.J., Ielo I., Morganti D., Leonardi A.A., Conoci S., Fazio B., De Luca G., Irrera A.; International Journal of Molecular Sciences (24); 16685 (2023) 10.3390/ijms242316685

  • Strong magnetic proximity effect in van der Waals heterostructures driven by direct hybridization; Cardoso C., Costa A.T., Macdonald A.H., Fernández-Rossier J.; Physical Review B (108); 184423 (2023) 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.184423

  • Silicon-Based Sensing Surface for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis by Phages Probes; Calorenni P., Paratore V., Rizzo M.G., De Plano L.M., Condorelli G.G., De Luca G., Oddo S., Guglielmino S., Sciuto E.L., Conoci S.; Advanced Materials Interfaces (2023) 10.1002/admi.202300785

  • Reduced SnO2-x for Low Power NO2 Gas Sensors: From First Principles Simulations to Sensing Performance; Krik S., Fabbri B., Valt M., Spagnoli E., Ciocca M., Casotti D., Della Ciana M., Vanzetti L., Orlando A., Petti L., Gaiardo A., Guidi V.; Proceedings of IEEE Sensors (2023) 10.1109/SENSORS56945.2023.10325180

  • Erratum to: Tribological behaviour of Ti3C2T x nano-sheets: Substrate-dependent tribo-chemical reactions (Friction, (2023), 11, 8, (1522-1533), 10.1007/s40544-022-0709-3); Rota A., Bellina N., Wang B., Rosenkranz A.; Friction (2023) 10.1007/s40544-023-0859-y

  • General Algorithms for SPAM Noise Characterization; Jayakumar A., Chessa S., Coffrin C., Lokhov A., Vuffray M., Misra S.; Proceedings - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering, QCE 2023 (2); 407-408 (2023) 10.1109/QCE57702.2023.10305

  • Stability and Formation of the Li3PS4/Li, Li3PS4/Li2S, and Li2S/Li Interfaces: A Theoretical Study; Marana N.L., Casassa S., Sgroi M.F., Maschio L., Silveri F., D’Amore M., Ferrari A.M.; Langmuir (2023) 10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c02354

  • Dem-Aging: autophagy-related pathologies and the “two faces of dementia”; Gammaldi N., Doccini S., Bernardi S., Marchese M., Cecchini M., Ceravolo R., Rapposelli S., Ratto G., Rocchiccioli S., Pezzini F., Santorelli F.M.; Neurogenetics (2023) 10.1007/s10048-023-00739-3

  • Comparative study between the ZnO nanopowders prepared using Azadirachta indica and glycerin and their characterizations; Prasad B.D., Prasad B.V., Ningappa C., Thyagarajan K., Nagabhushana H., Anantharaju K.S.; AIP Conference Proceedings (2399); 020019 (2023) 10.1063/5.0132572

  • Growth and Characterization of Carbon Nanofibers Grown on Vertically Aligned InAs Nanowires via Chemical Vapour Deposition; Arshad M., Sorba L., Rudolf P., Cepek C.; Nanomaterials (13); 3083 (2023) 10.3390/nano13243083

  • The quartic Blochnium: an anharmonic quasicharge superconducting qubit; Chirolli L., Carrega M., Giazotto F.; Quantum (7); (2023) 10.22331/q-2023-12-04-1193

  • Holographic Nano-Imaging of Terahertz Dirac Plasmon Polaritons Topological Insulator Antenna Resonators; Pistore V., Viti L., Schiattarella C., Wang Z., Law S., Mitrofanov O., Vitiello M.S.; Small (2023) 10.1002/smll.202308116

  • Innovative Phosphorene Nanoplatform for Light Antimicrobial Therapy; Passaglia E., Sgarbossa A.; Pharmaceutics (15); 2748 (2023) 10.3390/pharmaceutics15122748

  • Excited-state normal-mode analysis: The case of porphyrins; Rukin P., Prezzi D., Rozzi C.A.; Journal of Chemical Physics (159); 244103 (2023) 10.1063/5.0173336

  • Excitonic Effects in Energy-Loss Spectra of Freestanding Graphene; Guandalini A., Senga R., Lin Y.C., Suenaga K., Ferretti A., Varsano D., Recchia A., Barone P., Mauri F., Pichler T., Kramberger C.; Nano Letters (2023) 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c03863

  • Quenching of the band gap of two-dimensional semiconductors with a perpendicular electric field; Domaretskiy D., Philippi M., Gibertini M., Ubrig N., Gutierrez-Lezama I., Morpurgo A.F.; 2023 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, NMDC 2023 709-710 (2023) 10.1109/NMDC57951.2023.10343880

  • Comparative Analysis of InAs Adjacent Nanowire Sensors for Humidity and NO2 Detection; Musaev E., Demontis V., Rossella F., Zannier V., Sorba L., Baratto C.; 2023 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, NMDC 2023 461-462 (2023) 10.1109/NMDC57951.2023.10343834

  • Dependence of built-in tensile strain on lateral size of monolayer MoS2 grown on standard SiO2/Si substrates by liquid precursor chemical vapor deposition; Seravalli L., Esposito F., Bosi M., Aversa L., Trevisi G., Verucchi R., Lazzarini L., Rossi F., Fabbri F.; 2023 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, NMDC 2023 581-582 (2023) 10.1109/NMDC57951.2023.10344001

  • Semiconductor Nanowires for Polarization Control in Integrated Waveguides; Vitali V., Fontana A., Demontis V., Prete D., Salamon A., Bellani V., Cristiani I., Rossella F., Lacava C.; 2023 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, NMDC 2023 129 (2023) 10.1109/NMDC57951.2023.10343868

  • Calibration-Free and High-Sensitivity Microwave Detectors Based on InAs/InP Nanowire Double Quantum Dots; Cornia S., Demontis V., Zannier V., Sorba L., Ghirri A., Rossella F., Affronte M.; 2023 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, NMDC 2023 674-675 (2023) 10.1109/NMDC57951.2023.10343691

  • Study of the Coercivity Field in a Sample of NiFe2O4-OA Nanoparticles at Different Temperatures: Comparing the Different Processes to Evaluate TB by DC Measurements; Modestino M., Galluzzi A., Sarno M., Polichetti M.; 2023 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, NMDC 2023 259-263 (2023) 10.1109/NMDC57951.2023.10343818

  • InAs nanowire field-effect transistors: temperature dependence of electrical properties and digital electronic applications; Viscardi L., Faella E., Intonti K., Giubileo F., Demontis V., Prete D., Zannier V., Sorba L., Rossella F., Romano P., Di Bartolomeo A.; 2023 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, NMDC 2023 773-777 (2023) 10.1109/NMDC57951.2023.10343861

  • Spin-Resolved Magneto-Tunneling and Giant Anisotropic g-Factor in Broken Gap InAs-GaSb Core-Shell Nanowires; Clericò V., Wójcik P., Vezzosi A., Rocci M., Demontis V., Zannier V., Díaz-Fernández A., Díaz E., Bellani V., Domínguez-Adame F., Diez E., Sorba L., Bertoni A., Goldoni G., Rossella F.; Nano Letters (2023) 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c02559

  • Peeking into the Femtosecond Hot-Carrier Dynamics Reveals Unexpected Mechanisms in Plasmonic Photocatalysis; Dall’Osto G., Marsili M., Vanzan M., Toffoli D., Stener M., Corni S., Coccia E.; Journal of the American Chemical Society (2023) 10.1021/jacs.3c12470

  • Pure and Sc-doped diopside (CaMgSi2O6) vibrational spectra: modelling and experiments; Bellucci L., Cassetta M., Skogby H., Nazzareni S.; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2023) 10.1039/d3cp02324a

  • Revealing the Interplay between Hybrid and Charge-Transfer States in Polariton Chemistry; Cascino L., Corni S., D’Agostino S.; Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2023) 10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c06208

  • Sub-standard quantum limit estimation precision for a wide resources range; Cimini V., Belliardo F., Polino E., Hoch F., Piccirillo B., Spagnolo N., Giovannetti V., Sciarrino F.; CLEO: Fundamental Science, CLEO:FS 2023 (2023) 10.1364/CLEO_FS.2023.ftu4a.2

  • Comb Emission of a THz-QCL Characterized by Fourier Transform Analysis Over Different Current Regimes; Sorgi A., Cappelli F., Eramo R., De Natale P., Riccardi E., Pistore V., Vitiello M.S., Consolino L.; CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO:S and I 2023 (2023) 10.1364/CLEO_AT.2023.SF3I.7

  • Ion Channels and Ionotropic Receptors in Astrocytes: Physiological Functions and Alterations in Alzheimer’s Disease and Glioblastoma; Lia A., Di Spiezio A., Vitalini L., Tore M., Puja G., Losi G.; Life (13); 2038 (2023) 10.3390/life13102038

  • Unusual Red Light Emission from Nonmetallic Cu2Te Microdisk for Laser and SERS Applications; Li, Q., Rao, H., Ma, X., Mei, H., Zhao, Z., Gong, W., Camposeo, A., Pisignano, D., Yang, X.; Advanced Optical Materials (10); 2101976 (2022) 10.1002/adom.202101976

  • Cryptographic Strain-Dependent Light Pattern Generators; D'Elia, F., Pisani, F., Tredicucci, A., Pisignano, D., Camposeo, A.; Advanced Materials Technologies (7); 2101129 (2022) 10.1002/admt.202101129

  • Phase slips dynamics in gated Ti and v all-metallic supercurrent nano-transistors; Puglia, C., De Simoni, G., Giazotto, F.; Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (55); 055301 (2022) 10.1088/1361-6463/ac2e8b

  • Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers as Enabling Quantum Technology; Vitiello, M.S., De Natale, P.; Advanced Quantum Technologies (5); 2100082 (2022) 10.1002/qute.202100082

  • Asymptotics of SL (2 , C) coherent invariant tensors; Donà, P., Fanizza, M., Martin-Dussaud, P., Speziale, S.; Communications in Mathematical Physics (389); 399-437 (2022) 10.1007/s00220-021-04154-3

  • 1-mJ multi-kHz nanosecond pulses from a single-crystal Yb:LiLuF4 amplifier seeded by a passively-Q-switched laser; Pizzurro, S., Jun, S., Tonelli, M., Carrá, L., Piccinno, G., Agnesi, A., Pirzio, F.; Optics and Laser Technology (148); 107744 (2022) 10.1016/j.optlastec.2021.107744

  • Enhancement of oxygen evolution reaction by X-doped (X = Se, S, P) holey graphitic carbon shell encapsulating NiCoFe nanoparticles: a combined experimental and theoretical study; El Jaouhari, A., Slassi, A., Zhang, B., Liu, W., Cornil, D., Zhu, J., Wu, X., Zhou, D., Liu, X.; Materials Today Chemistry (23); 100706 (2022) 10.1016/j.mtchem.2021.100706

  • To measure a magnon population; Carrega, M., Heun, S.; Nature Physics (18); 3-4 (2022) 10.1038/s41567-021-01396-9

  • Evidence for equilibrium exciton condensation in monolayer WTe2; Sun, B., Zhao, W., Palomaki, T., Fei, Z., Runburg, E., Malinowski, P., Huang, X., Cenker, J., Cui, Y.-T., Chu, J.-H., Xu, X., Ataei, S.S., Varsano, D., Palummo, M., Molinari, E., Rontani, M., Cobden, D.H.; Nature Physics (18); 94-99 (2022) 10.1038/s41567-021-01427-5

  • Improved electronic structure prediction of chalcopyrite semiconductors from a semilocal density functional based on Pauli kinetic energy enhancement factor; Ghosh, A., Jana, S., Niranjan, M.K., Behera, S.K., Constantin, L.A., Samal, P.; Journal of Physics Condensed Matter (34); 075501 (2022) 10.1088/1361-648X/ac394d

  • 3D arrangement of epitaxial graphene conformally grown on porousified crystalline SiC; Veronesi, S., Pfusterschmied, G., Fabbri, F., Leitgeb, M., Arif, O., Esteban, D.A., Bals, S., Schmid, U., Heun, S.; Carbon (189); 210-218 (2022) 10.1016/j.carbon.2021.12.042

  • Rb-induced (3×1) and (6×1) reconstructions on Si(111)-(7×7): A LEED and STM study; Ferbel, L., Veronesi, S., Heun, S.; Surface Science (718); 122011 (2022) 10.1016/j.susc.2021.122011

  • Acute cytotoxicity of mineral fibres observed by time-lapse video microscopy; Di Giuseppe, D., Scarfì, S., Alessandrini, A., Bassi, A.M., Mirata, S., Almonti, V., Ragazzini, G., Mescola, A., Filaferro, M., Avallone, R., Vitale, G., Scognamiglio, V., Gualtieri, A.F.; Toxicology (466); 153081 (2022) 10.1016/j.tox.2021.153081

  • Genetically encoded sensors for Chloride concentration; Lodovichi, C., Ratto, G.M., Trevelyan, A.J., Arosio, D.; Journal of Neuroscience Methods (368); 109455 (2022) 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2021.109455

  • Detection of Oenological Polyphenols via QCM-DMeasurements; Gagliardi, M., Tori, G., Agostini, M., Lunardelli, F., Mencarelli, F., Sanmartin, C., Cecchini, M.; Nanomaterials (12); 166 (2022) 10.3390/nano12010166

  • Unexpected Electron Transport Suppression in a Heterostructured Graphene-MoS2Multiple Field-Effect Transistor Architecture; Ciampalini, G., Fabbri, F., Menichetti, G., Buoni, L., Pace, S., Mišeikis, V., Pitanti, A., Pisignano, D., Coletti, C., Tredicucci, A., Roddaro, S.; ACS Nano (16); 1291-1300 (2022) 10.1021/acsnano.1c09131

  • Substrate surface effects on electron-irradiated graphene; Basta, L., Moscardini, A., Veronesi, S., Bianco, F.; Surfaces and Interfaces (28); 101694 (2022) 10.1016/j.surfin.2021.101694

  • Witnessing objectivity on a quantum computer; Chisholm, D.A., García-Pérez, G., Rossi, M.A.C., Maniscalco, S., Palma, G.M.; Quantum Science and Technology (7); 015022 (2022) 10.1088/2058-9565/ac40f3

  • Single crystal monolithic upconverter solar cell device tandems with integrated optics; Arnaoutakis, G.E., Favilla, E., Tonelli, M., Richards, B.S.; Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics (39); 239-247 (2022) 10.1364/JOSAB.437892

  • Multifunctional Switch Based on Spin-Labeled Gold Nanoparticles; Lloveras, V., Elías-Rodríguez, P., Bursi, L., Shirdel, E., Goñi, A.R., Calzolari, A., Vidal-Gancedo, J.; Nano Letters (22); 768-774 (2022) 10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c04294