A new MaX is starting

Start date
End date
AGO, Largo sant’Agostino, 228, Modena (Italy)
Istituto nanoscienze – Cnr Nano
Registration deadline

MaX (an acronym for "MAterials design at the eXascale") is dedicated to the development of advanced software for the modeling and simulation of materials through the closest interaction with current and future computer technologies. The center is headquartered at the Nanoscience Institute of the National Research Council in Modena (Cnr-Nano) and brings together 16 teams from leading research centers, supercomputing centers, and hardware development companies in Europe. Participants from Emilia-Romagna include Cineca, the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Unimore), E4 SpA, and the National Research Council; participants from Italy also include Sissa and Leonardo SpA.

The MaX Center of Excellence has already achieved important results since its first significant European funding in 2015 and 2018. It has now renewed its funding from the European Union (grant agreement no. 101093374), entering a promising third phase of the project for an additional four years, with a budget of 8.5 million euros. Elisa Molinari from Cnr-Nano and Unimore, and Andrea Ferretti from Cnr-Nano, are the coordinators of MaX.

After its official launch on January 1, 2023, MaX is publicly presented with a launch meeting on February 21-22, 2023, organized by Cnr-Nano in Modena.